Online Giving

Thank you for choosing online giving for Crossland Avenue Baptist Church! Our online giving is processed through EasyTithe in association with MinistryOne. This program uses high-level bank encryption to protect the data of its users.

Donations are accepted using either the form at the bottom of this page or by downloading the Church by MinistryOne mobile app. When you first sign-in to either option, you will be asked to search for your church name. Please enter Crossland Avenue Baptist Church (zip code 37040) to bring up our church. Then follow the directions given. Now you are ready to give!

                             (mobile app for android or i-Phone)         



You can make a one-time offering or set up a recurring offering that comes out automatically on the date(s) you set. Be sure to select the option that you wish to use.

You can make an offering to more than one fund (i.e., general budget, building fund, etc.) in the same transaction. Simply select the first fund from the drop-down box, enter the amount you wish to give to that fund, and then click on the "+Add Donation" button. Now, you can give to a second fund.

When you've entered your offering(s), click the submit button, and you're done. A confirmation of your gift will be immediately sent to the email address you provided in the sign-in process.

Please note: You can chose to help cover the processing fee (3.5% for credit card transactions, 1% for checking acct. transactions) by clicking on the line at the bottom of the form that says to add 1% (or 3.5% for credit cards) to your donation amount. This is optional.